DCIA's mission statement truly reflects the strategic positioning of this organization and the benefits to its members: "To serve as the unified voice of the captive insurance industry in Delaware and to support the development and growth of the industry through marketing, networking, education, and legislative initiatives."

Membership Categories

Annual Dues

Captive Member
any licensed captive insurer
Industry Member
any person or company other than a licensed captive insurer

How to Join the Delaware Captive Insurance Association

Membership Application 

Online Membership Application

Online Membership Renewal

DCIA Certificate of Incorporation 

DCIA Bylaws 

Who Should Join?

Organizations that will benefit from joining DCIA include:

  Single Parent Captives

  Risk Retention Groups

  Industry Insured Captives

  Association Captives Captive

  Management Companies

  Industry Service Providers such as banks, legal firms, accounting and audit firms, reinsurance companies, etc.

Membership Benefits

Membership benefits are numerous and will meet your specific needs as well as the industry needs:

Meetings and events throughout the year will provide opportunities for building business relationships and exchanging information.
Members will have the opportunity to attend educational seminars and to suggest topics for future events. Speakers will include recognized leaders in the industry as well as Delaware regulators and legislators.

Sponsorships will be available for regional events, breakfast seminars, and an annual conference. In addition, opportunities for posting content on the DCIA web site will be available throughout the year.

  Legislative Affairs

One of the DCIA's top responsibilities is to ensure that Delaware maintains a "captive-friendly" regulatory environment. The Association will operate a proactive legislative relations program to develop relationships with key governmental regulators and lawmakers about the important issues impacting captive insurance. The DCIA will also be proactive in seeking amendments to Delaware's captive insurance legislation to ensure Delaware remains on the cutting edge.

4023 Kennett Pike | Box 801 | Wilmington, DE 19807 | 888.413.7388 | info@delawarecaptive.org
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DCIA was formed to support the growth of the industry through marketing, networking, education and legislative initiatives.

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